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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


IN the fourth chapter of Luke's Gospel is a verse—the fortieth— of striking simplicity and significance. It reads: "Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them.


MOSES can be fairly regarded as the founder of the Hebrew or Jewish religion. The Israelites had a religion before he taught them, but it does not appear to have been distinctly formulated.


A SPECIAL fund has been established by The Mother Church for building the new Publishing House for The Christian Science Publishing Society, to be erected on Norway Street opposite The Mother Church edifice, according to the sketch printed in The Christian Science Monitor of April 17, which has been generally approved and greatly admired. The estimated cost of the new building is not less than $3,000,000, all of which it is confidently expected will be forthcoming in due course so that the traditions of the past will be upheld and the building be paid for when completed without calling for a temporary loan from outside sources.


THE word "science" means systematized knowledge of any subject. There is, for example, the science of chemistry, of physics, of astronomy, of botany, of zoology— natural sciences they are called.


THE average man having to make his way in life is wont to regard himself as self-dependent and self-supporting. Impelled by ambition, pride, or else moved by the necessity of providing for those near and dear to him, he may live under the constant sense of pressure and personal effort.


IN the first century of the Christian era, formal letters usually began by designating the persons by whom and to whom they were written. Nearly all the authors of letters in the New Testament followed this usage; Paul also added his signature.


EVERY individual is a mental householder and need entertain only the thoughts of his own selecting. He is his own doorkeeper, and, like an alert sentry, should always be ready with the challenge, "Who goes there?" One who remains awake at his post will not fall into wrong mental company.


IT is a marvelous fact to contemplate that notwithstanding all the material senses seem to tell us of decay we are living now in a universe of perpetual freshness, a universe of perpetual freshness because it is a perfect universe. How are we able to say this? We can do so because through Christian Science we know that the real universe or creation is the reflection of God.


In effect, Christ Jesus spoke of love —love for God, who is good—as the best of all motives. (See Mark 12:28-34; Luke 18:18, 19.


THE Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, is printed in Revised Braille, grade one and a half. So are the books by Mrs.