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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


Every thoughtful person, not a Christian Scientist, finds himself inquiring, more or less frequently, as to the nature of what he calls his consciousness. He feels sure that he is aware of his own selfhood, of his own thoughts, of the existence of other human beings like himself, of objects external to himself in a material universe: he is certain that he possesses consciousness.


Christian Science brings to the human race the greatest encouragement it has ever known and the greatest stimulus. It brings to it the correct mental perspective, the spiritual ability to discriminate between right and wrong in their subtlest presentments, and the power to utilize the might of spiritual ideas in the practical overcoming of all phases of discord.


Almost twenty-two years ago, while she waited for a car on Huntington Avenue, opposite The Mother Church, a Christian Scientist noticed an oldish man, having a very beautiful face and very white hair, looking intently at the church buildings. What attracted her attention particularly was that he continued looking at them or one of them in a way that was meditative and even rapt.


The Christian Scientist claims the God-given right and might to reflect the dominion of pure Mind. In his joyous Christian warfare he utilizes the scientific fact that, as Mrs.


The method of spiritual healing practiced by Christian Scientists is far other than the application of spiritually unenlightened human intelligence. True, intelligence underlies Christian Science practice; but it is divine intelligence, the intelligence of Mind.


Christian Science is to-day engaged in the great work of teaching mankind the truth that spiritual existence alone is real. In doing this it is opposed by the physical senses, which testify to the reality of matter.


Far back in human history the Christ-idea of peace and brotherhood found utterance when Abraham said to his nephew, Lot, "Let there be no strife, I pray thee .


The idea that God is the Soul of man deserves more attention and use than it generally gets, even from Christian Scientists. Of all divine facts, this idea is one of the most important and useful.


A Visitor to The Mother Church was recently asked, "What new undertaking is designed to register in material terms the spiritual activity of spreading the gospel to the nations of the world?" The answer was correctly given, "The new Christian Science Publishing House;" and it is in this light that we should think of the building project we have before us. It will be recalled that in the report read at the last Annual Meeting of The Mother Church we stated that the proposed new Publishing House was "born of necessity, not human ambition.


MANY times has deferred hope been quickened by applying the words of a hymn, "Look again! the fields are whitening, Harvest time is surely near. " Jesus told his followers that they were to look on the fields, and that these fields, moreover, were already white.