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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


THE correlation of humility and ability, which is explained and emphasized by Christian Science, may seem incongruous to those who are uninstructed by Christian Science. For the concept of man as physical, with a material brain as the seat of his intellectual ability, all too often begets a sense of self-sufficiency suggestive of egotism.


AT no time in human history have so many books and magazines been published and read as in our day, and of their variety there is no end. Big and little towns have their public libraries, and a mixed crowd of readers and borrowers.


NOT a little is heard in these days concerning the preservation of health and its restoration should it be impaired. Indeed, there is probably no field in which theory is so active as in this; and for the reason that health is such a desirable asset, not only for the carrying on of those activities which humanity deems necessary for its existence, but also for the enjoyment of life.


In these days, when much thought is being given to national balancing and budgeting, and material preoccupation would eclipse spiritual vision, it is especially necessary for the individual Christian Scientist to draw on infinite Mind for inspiration and comfort. In addition to enjoining the payment of debts and the avoidance of extravagance, Christian Science reminds its followers of their indebtedness to God, which can be met in just one way—by reflecting the divine nature and expressing the dominion of Mind.


Devotion to worthy enterprises is highly esteemed by mankind in general; and today there are many who are giving of their best to undertakings which they deem deserving. In the educational realm, for example, what a vast army there is of consecrated men and women, intent on applying the best known methods in the mental training of the young! In the domain, too, of natural science, so called, there are large numbers who are engaged in investigating what are called the phenomena and laws of nature.


MRS. EDDY does not minimize the necessity of overcoming error.


CHRISTIAN SCIENCE teaches one to differentiate between submission to man-made decrees, which lead to human subjection, and submission to spiritual law, which establishes harmony and dominion. Instead of submitting to the discord of sickness and sin, the Christian Scientist submits himself, with all his aims and desires, to God's compelling law of spiritual perfection, harmony, and immortality.


FROM the beginning of history, men and women have sought and hoped for a greater control over adverse conditions and a larger life. Christ Jesus recognized this as the desire and need of all humanity when he said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" ( John 10:10 ).


THE mental nature of hearing and its relation to obedience stand out in these words of Jesus: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. " He also emphasized resistance to wrong impulses when he said, "And a stranger will they not follow,.


IT is not putting it too strongly to say that the majority of men do not believe that God is in intimate relationship with them. The Supreme Being is not visible to material sight; no Word of His strikes the material ear—none of the physical senses gives any direct indication of His presence.