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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


GOD is infinite Mind, infinite good, and His — Mind's — creation of ideas is absolutely perfect. Hence, in real being there is nothing that needs saving, nothing from which to be saved.


HUMAN experience seems so fraught with affliction manifested as sin, sickness, and sorrow, as limitation and lack, as disease, discord, distress, and death, that a large part of the endeavors of mankind has been directed to overcoming these afflictions, or the minimizing or postponing of them. However, in spite of many impressive human inventions, these efforts have not reached the root of mankind's troubles for the simple reason that men have mistakenly regarded matter as both the cause of and the cure for their afflictions, and hence have not turned to God as they should to supply their spiritual, business, and bodily needs.


CHRISTIAN SCIENCE imparts the true understanding of magnitude and proves itself an unerring guide to all who understand and practice its teachings. In giving to its students a scientific sense of values, of essentials versus nonessentials of substance versus shadow, it rules out pettiness and establishes a standard of conduct inspired and sustained by divine Principle.


WHAT men require above all else is an understanding of God and His creation; for then they will know that man is ever governed by perfect spiritual law and therefore perfectly protected, perfectly safe. It is the province of Christian Science to give this understanding.


The evidence that Christian Science treatment is singularly and satisfactorily efficacious in healing disease and in delivering men from sinful and debasing habits has become cumulatively conclusive. Hence there is increasingly widespread acknowledgment that Christian Science prayers are potent and practical.


Christian Science is readily understood by the sincere and unbiased student, and as readily practiced by him after the understanding has been obtained. As its name implies, Christian Science is the Science of Christianity, the Science which inspired the entire ministry of Christ Jesus, including all his wonderful words and all his wonderful works.


For the benefit of those churches and societies which desire to arrange lectures on Christian Science during the summer months, we announce that the following members of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship are with our approval reserving the coming lecture year for other Christian Science work: Richard J. Davis Judge Samuel W.


IN what is known as the Sermon on the Mount, Christ Jesus set the highest possible standard of thought and living for his followers, the standard of perfection. He gave therein a marvelous set of rules for human conduct, for Christian prayer and practice, rules which deal adequately with the ethical, moral, and spiritual phases of human experience.


CHRISTIAN SCIENCE emphasizes the irresistible and universal attraction of Christ, Truth, which Jesus implied in his words, "I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. " Partly through increased vision, and partly because they are feeling the dire consequences of division, the nations of the world are being drawn into closer cooperation with each other.


IN this age material power, so called, has been developed to an enormous extent. The steam engine, the gas engine, the electrically driven motor, all have emphasized to mankind the sense of material power.