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From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

GOD is infinite Mind, infinite good, and His — Mind's — creation of ideas is absolutely perfect. Hence, in real being there is nothing that needs saving, nothing from which to be saved. It is a fact wonderful to contemplate that, as Christian Science declares, the entire spiritual creation, including individual man, is flawless, and never can become imperfect in the slightest degree. However dark may appear the human outlook, however oppressed the human condition, the Christian Scientist, firmly established in the knowledge of the perfection of God and man, can patiently await the coming of the light of Truth to all men, and the passing away of the darkness of all sense of evil.

But while God and His creation are perfect, mankind, believing in material sense, fail to realize the fact. To them creation seems material and subject to continual change and decay. To them, also, man appears to be imperfect — sinful, selfish, unhappy, unhealthy, the victim of all manner of evil. They believe it to be inevitable that he will sicken and suffer, and in course of time die. In other words, mortals believe the very opposite of what is true of the real man, who is subject neither to sickness, suffering, nor death. Because of this erroneous believing, this false sense of being, there is the need of salvation for mankind.

Deeply conscious of the sinful ways of the people and sorrowful at their backslidings, the Hebrew prophets, inspired by the Most High, sought to awaken the unfaithful to obedience to God's law and thence to spiritual purity. They saw the need of a Saviour and foretold the coming of the Messiah, who would be a man with a profound understanding of God and His law, and who would impart to men the knowledge he possessed and prove by his deeds the power of this knowledge to save them from their sins and diseases — their false beliefs. Mrs. Eddy says on pages 315 and 316 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures": "Explaining and demonstrating the way of divine Science, he [Jesus] became the way of salvation to all who accepted his word. From him mortals may learn how to escape from evil."

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