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From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WE are learning to sing with understanding the inspiring words of our beloved Leader's beautiful hymn entitled "Love" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 388; Poems, p. 7):

"'Twas Love whose finger traced aloud
A bow of promise on the cloud."

"A bow of promise" presents to thought that which is beautiful; that which gives ground for hope and expectancy. How many in the world are reaching out for something that is big with promise! Many at some time or other have been tempted with a belief that their troubles were incurable, with the thought that they were failures, and that the future offered them nothing bright. Many are longing for peace, happiness, health, education, prosperity, and for a moral stimulus that will put them on their feet and awaken within them hope and courage. To such, Christian Science comes crowned with a bright promise.

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