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From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Father, lift me to the light,
Out of darkness, out of night;
Teach me, that I may behold
Wonders sung by seers of old.
Help me, Father, to descry
Sights beyond the mortal eye,
Vistas of Thy heavenly plan
That Thou hast prepared for man;
Where angelic soft refrain
Whispereth, There is no pain,
Neither death, nor sin, nor fear,
Only Love itself is here,
Omnipotent, omniscient One,
Love and its beloved Son.

Father, lift me to the light,
Out of darkness, out of night;
That, refreshened, newly strong,
On my lips Thy joyous song,
To the broken, wounded heart
Strength and joy I may impart,
Hope that mounteth as a bird,
Buoyant with the holy Word,
"Courage in the evil hour,"
And love, which is Thy perfect power.

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