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From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN presenting Christian Science to the world Mary Baker Eddy has made it clear and convincing that God is infinite Mind, Life, Love, Principle. How else, indeed, could He be omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent? One who reads the Bible searchingly may trace the unfoldment of this exalted concept of Deity in the advancing thought of the Hebrew race. The Christian Science definition of God, therefore, has the support of both revelation and reason.

But God must express Himself, since Mind and Life unexpressed would be inconceivable. The expression of Mind and Life, at its highest, is spiritual man. Man, therefore, is God's representative, His image and likeness.

Working from the foregoing standpoint, Christian Science heals all sorts of diseases and difficulties, because it enables people to put aside their fears and material beliefs, and to lay hold of spiritual facts. In belief, and to physical sense, the world is rather an unsatisfactory, even a dangerous place in which to live. In fact, however, and to spiritual sense, there is only a world of security and opportunity; for does not the reign of the omnipotent God make evil a scientific impossibility?

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