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From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

GOD is infinite. Whatever our early religious instruction may have been, it is probable that we were taught, more or less explicitly, the infinite nature of the Supreme Being. It is axiomatic of Deity. "Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee." It is impossible that God should know anything which seems to limit and circumscribe, since He is infinite.

That, then, is the generally accepted postulate concerning divinity, but it has been left in lofty detachment, largely unrelated to the sore needs of humanity. It has not been utilized as a practical and redemptive force in everyday human living. In fact, in human thought and conduct an entirely different standard has prevailed throughout the ages and largely dominates the world today. Mankind is supposedly limited in every direction—in time, ability, goodness, endurance, opportunity. It expects and accepts limitation as inevitable. Measurements, boundary lines, barriers are scrupulously defined and observed. Though the author of the epistle to the Hebrews has given us the emancipating phrase, "the power of an endless life," yet human experience appears to bring us continually to unwelcome ends—the end of a period of activity, the end of a career, the end of a cherished companionship, and finally, the end of so-called life itself. And the reason of all this frustrated endeavor is the acceptance of the false belief of man as detached from God; as mortal, material, finite.

Every student of Christian Science is familiar with Mrs. Eddy's statement on page 471 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," "God is infinite, therefore ever present, and there is no other power nor presence." Christian Science has brought to mankind logical conclusions from this basal statement of Deity. From this sequence accrue all the blessings which through Christian Science come to a waiting world. "God is infinite, therefore"—what? Of what practical benefit to us in our human pilgrimage is the lofty truth that God is infinite? Infinity must be potent to us; we must take hold of this true idea, so that we can deal with our problems authoritatively and conclusively. What blessings belong to us as the natural result of God's infinity? All things pertaining to our stability, progress, and peace depend upon the nature and certainty of that conclusion.

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