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From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THROUGH her discovery of Christian Science, elucidated in her subsequent writings, Mrs. Eddy gave to the world a new revelation of true being. And she established her church organization with its various activities, including a Board of Lectureship, as the means of spreading this healing gospel, "good tidings . . . which shall be to all people."

The responsibility of preparing and presenting a lecture rests with the lecturer. The success of a lecture in a community, however, depends in a degree upon the preparation made by the members of the church or society under whose auspices the lecture is given. In the following letter to The Christian Science Board of Lectureship our Leader says (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 248): "Spiritual heroes and prophets are they whose new-old birthright is to put an end to falsities in a wise way and to proclaim Truth so winningly that an honest, fervid affection for the race is found adequate for the emancipation of the race." Since Mind is the source of the truth presented in the message, the lecture should be seen as under the direction and protection of divine Mind within the care of divine wisdom and Love.

If in the arranging for a lecture the metaphysical work is given first place, each detail of the arrangements will be found to work harmoniously toward the successful accomplishment of the whole. The advertising, including the placement of invitation cards; the arrangement for the hall and music; the appointment of ushers and their work; the introduction of the lecturer to his audience—each and every activity should be regarded as included in this healing activity. To approach intelligently the work of preparation for a Christian Science lecture, it is necessary to consider first the purpose of the lecture. This purpose is to acquaint the public with Christian Science through a correct statement of what it is and what it does for mankind. Thus, Christian Science, the Science of Christ, reveals divine Principle, God, the source of all true being. In the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy writes (p. 332), "Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness." A lecture on Christian Science presents the truth about God and His creation.

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