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From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A LINE of a loved poem written by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, holds that which can change the forward look of all mankind. It reads, "O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 389; Poems, p. 4). Comprehending this, arrested thought looks up from its fears to a comforting promise. A curtain lifts. Light floods the prospect. A world is changed for him who takes this profound assurance to his heart. He can go in faith and confidence toward all the hours which wait for him.

People in general are subject to much concern about the future. The threat of evil tries to take away their peace. When a trial actually comes they can rise, through courage and good sense and with devout prayer, to meet the disaster. But the suggestion of trouble ahead holds in itself small hope of help. It pictures mainly the threatened evil. And so those who strive to trust God in a present hour may not easily see that God, who is now sustaining His creation, will be at hand in the future also, ready and able to help.

Christian Science brings just this assurance of good to mankind. It helps its followers to hold steadfastly to the course of trust and courage against the threats of fear. By means of its teaching mortal thoughts are discarded, and in their place is found the spiritual understanding which recognizes the presence of God, divine Mind, here now, and here always to save and to heal. Mrs. Eddy has written (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, pp. 149, 150), "Remember, thou canst be brought into no condition, be it ever so severe, where Love has not been before thee and where its tender lesson is not awaiting thee." Love's lesson, not trouble, is awaiting us! God already owns the place to which we are to come. In this understanding there is no ground for fear. If the student of Christian Science accepts the divine fact that divine Love is everywhere present, he must trustingly place his future, as he rests his present, within the provision and the protection of its infinite, all-embracing beneficence and care.

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