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From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

DEMONSTRATION in Christian Science is based upon understood facts concerning God and man, as His reflection. In order to be of value to human beings, spiritual truths must find expression. If the rules of mathematics could not be made manifest in our affairs, of what use to us would they be? How could we prove their existence?

The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, lays much emphasis on reflection. In her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 301), she points out that few persons comprehend the meaning of this word as it is used in Christian Science. It is, therefore, a subject requiring prayerful study.

Man is the reflection of God, the image and likeness of Mind. To convey the scientific sense of God's reflection our Leader employs the familiar figure of a mirrored likeness. Light is necessary to a mirrored likeness. Spiritual light — inspiration — enabled our Leader to discover the relation of man to God, and to illustrate it by using this familiar figure. Through her pure consciousness was revealed the true idea, and by her elucidation she has conveyed to others that which had become crystal clear to her. We become Christian Scientists as we grasp this idea of man's relation to God, and by acceptance and application of it prove that man is God's reflection.

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