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From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE eleventh and twelfth chapters of Luke's Gospel graphically portray a scene wherein Jesus, discoursing to his disciples, uttered many words highly cherished by Christian Scientists. He was preparing his faithful followers to comprehend and practice his teachings. Pressing around this little group, so we are told, was "an innumerable multitude of people"—so many that "they trode one upon another." If what "he began to say unto his disciples" had been comprehensively accepted and assimilated by that "innumerable multitude of people" and incorporated into their practices, and had been adequately applied by mankind down through the centuries, it would have produced a world far different from what it appears to be today.

Encouragingly and tenderly Jesus assured his disciples, "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Their place in the kingdom was not being withheld, to be acquired at some future time. His words doubtless meant, for them as they do for us, that through God's will the kingdom of heaven, harmony, was theirs, as it is ours, for eternity.

Since God's "good pleasure" is divine law—ever operative, changeless, irresistible, all-inclusive—possession of a place in the kingdom is gained by acceptance of these demonstrable truths of Christian Science and by earnest, constant endeavor to understand and prove man's oneness with God. Ultimate rejection of all the false beliefs which seemingly deprive men of their place in the kingdom is assured, for these beliefs inevitably vanish as they are replaced by knowledge of spiritual existence. In reality, man cannot depart from the kingdom, nor can he reject it. According to divine law, there is no other existence possible for man than the spiritual. Abiding in the kingdom, he can never experience anything but good and harmony, because he is constantly and completely protected and sustained by divine Principle, Love.

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