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From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A LARGE proportion of the believers in and advocates of Christian Science become such because its practice verifies its restatement of Christ Jesus' declaration that "the kingdom of heaven is at hand." A large number of them have realized present-day salvation from diseases which, in many cases, had been pronounced incurable by doctors of medicine; others have been liberated from sinful, enslaving, and debasing habits as they have learned through Christian Science that sin confers no pleasure and that their real desire is for good only. Each and all of these healing signs evidence the correctness of Mrs. Eddy's definition of Christian Science as "the law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony" (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 1).

Careful and prayerful study of our Leader's writings, together with the Bible, and the consistent application of the plainly stated rules for right thinking and living found therein, lead to the conviction that Christian Science is the Christianity of Jesus and the Science or exact, provable knowledge of God and the universe, including man. Thus God is revealed as the Master knew Him, as the loving Father, ever governing harmoniously and justly His image and likeness, man, and every detail of His infinite spiritual creation. Christian Science further reveals God to be divine Truth and perfect Mind, the origin and expresser of all true ideas — ideas which in nature, influence, and effect are good like their source. For God, the one Mind, is divine Love, eternally and impartially giving to all of His goodness.

Christian Science, then, is the Science of God, the Science of Mind, or the true psychology, by means of which the thoughts that come to men may be properly considered, classified, and dealt with. This is most important to mankind's happiness, health, success, and general welfare, because everything in human experience is essentially mental; everything is primarily a mental concept. The mental nature of business, for example, is acknowledged generally, for it is seen that normal business and properly based confidence are indissolubly associated. Even though penologists attempt to account for criminal tendencies by phrenological and other material theories, the mental nature of sin is proved in the reformation and purification of character wrought by Christian Science with many erstwhile sinners. The mental nature of sickness indicated by the Exemplar, Christ Jesus, is clearly stated and definitely demonstrated by Christian Science.

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