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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


IN Christian Science, one of the essential points is that infinite Mind is conscious, exclusively, of infinite good. Only absolute good is real; hence, nothing else is known to absolute Mind.


CHRISTIAN SCIENCE gives an unfailing test for reality, namely, its perfection. Mrs.


ON page 182 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy writes: "We cannot obey both physiology and Spirit, for one absolutely destroys the other, and one or the other must be supreme in the affections.


IT would be instructive as well as gratifying for Christian Scientists to know what contributions have been made by different persons to the scientific concepts of God and man. The Scriptures contain comparatively few dates, they are not always arranged or compiled in chronological order, and they do not always name the actual authors of documents or writings.


PRESUMABLY , everyone wants to understand his real identity and to express it more and more perfectly. From the early training of a child and on through the years, self-expression of some kind takes place, and character is developed, but not always satisfyingly, in spite of earnest efforts.


" THE starting-point of divine Science is that God, Spirit, is All-in-all, and that there is no other might nor Mind,—that God is Love, and therefore He is divine Principle. " Thus does Mrs.


OUR Leader once addressed to her followers the following questions: "But what of ourselves, and our times and obligations? Are we duly aware of our own great opportunities and responsibilities? Are we prepared to meet and improve them, to act up to the acme of divine energy wherewith we are armored?" ( Miscellaneous Writings, p. 176.


Every thoughtful person, not a Christian Scientist, finds himself inquiring, more or less frequently, as to the nature of what he calls his consciousness. He feels sure that he is aware of his own selfhood, of his own thoughts, of the existence of other human beings like himself, of objects external to himself in a material universe: he is certain that he possesses consciousness.


November 18, 1931 Board of Trustees The Christian Science Publishing Society Boston, Massachusetts Dear Friends, At a meeting of this Board held to-day the following resolution was passed: "Whereas, the Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society have spontaneously offered the Directors abundant office accommodations in the present Publishing House during the construction of the new building, and "Whereas, their generous hospitality provides not only a spacious room for our regular sessions but also ample offices for our secretaries and ourselves and the Executive Offices, and "Whereas, we recognize that their voluntary relinquishment of their accustomed quarters must entail serious inconvenience to them and to many of their employees who have cheerfully expressed their willingness to adjust themselves to whatever temporary changes may be necessary, "Therefore be it resolved that the sincere appreciation of this Board is hereby conveyed to the Trustees for their thoughtful action and through them to their employees for their ready compliance, "And be it further resolved that we extend to the Trustees our assurances that the new building will afford unlimited opportunities for the continuance of the faithful services they have so long and so well performed. " Sincerely yours, The Christian Science Board of Directors.


Christian Science brings to the human race the greatest encouragement it has ever known and the greatest stimulus. It brings to it the correct mental perspective, the spiritual ability to discriminate between right and wrong in their subtlest presentments, and the power to utilize the might of spiritual ideas in the practical overcoming of all phases of discord.