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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


Recently my thought has been more especially given to the word work, which seems to embody much, if not all, of life's problem. Good work demands diligence, faithfulness, patience — the patience that is necessary in sowing the good seed, knowing that it is "God who giveth the increase.


In preparing manuscript for publication, if contributors will write with ink and only on one side of the paper , it will be greatly appreciated. Many articles, written with pencil, are sent in with excuses for having been written hastily and carelessly, which necessitates their being written over.


The mistaken view many hold, regarding personality, has led them to omit their names in their manuscript for the Journal; or with the request that only initials, or possibly one, be used. In all the social and business relations of life, people are striving to be known by their names.


Normal teachers were sent into the Master's vineyard to heal and teach. Let us look into the deeper significance of this mission.

The April number of the Journal has already found its way, not only into England, France, Germany and Italy, but also to New Zealand, Australia and India. Let us unite in this grand work through the summer, and send this April Journal broadcast over the earth.

The last week in May, in Massachusetts, is a week of deep interest in the churches, for then occurs in Boston a series of meetings of all evangelical denominations from all parts of the State. During the last assembly the general thought expressed was one of dissatisfaction with their methods of bringing out the teachings of Jesus the Christ.

College Association

The June meeting was opened by Bro. Chase.

Since we became the happy possessors of the revised Science and Health, by Mary B. G.

Association Meeting

The session was opened by Mrs. Meeder.


From the west comes a question in regard to organization. I advise you by all means to organize Churches.