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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Theology and Healing

A brother sends the following: There is a tendency abroad to claim that all the evil there is in an error is to name it. If you will not name it or think of it as real, then you may continue its practice and it is nothing at all.

Conflicting Claims of Truth and Error

The question is often presented as to claims of mortal mind on those who have come into the Truth. Advice should never be asked, and when asked should not he given by one person to another.

Can there be separation of the Theology from the Healing of Christian Science? Or, can a speciality be made of one or the other? To make a speciality is to give preference, and preference is separation. Christ is the Theology of Christian Science, and in that Theology there is no separation between Intelligence or Truth, and Good or Healing.

When John sent to demand " Art Thou the Coming One? Jesus answered, "Carry tidings to John as to what ye saw and heard; that blind are recovering sight " etc. " By recounting deeds instead of repeating his words " he, in modern phrase told them, as the most conclusive answer, to give a " report of cases.

The Children's Quarterly idea begins to take form, though it may be realized as monthly instead of quarterly. Excellent suggestions as to form and manner of publication, are embodied in letters published in this issue of the Journal, but there must be many more waiting for voice.

The theology and materia medica of Jesus were one, and this divine unit of Truth that healed the sick and cleansed from sin is the method of mental healing that I set forth and have named Christian Science. — Series No.

Some Applications of Truth

" For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my soul" (sense of life as material), "that again I may receive it" (as sense of Life, Spirit);  John x. 17, Rotherham's translation.

The assumption that learning "by rote" in the letter, that there is no personality in the reality of Being, sets free in relations with others in Truth, from those of the claims of personality that belong to the present sense of Life, and that are acknowledged in personal, family, and business relation—is another very high form of selfishness. Gratitude, for example, is a claim of error.

" Contradiction " of error is assertion of error, supposes its presence. It begins with the admission of what is never to be admitted.

Undue Modesty

The attempt at suppression of "personality," seems unwittingly to have carried some contributors to mistaken conclusions and a wholly undesirable extreme, in the matter of total suppression of genuine addresses. Excellent communications in both prose and verse that we otherwise might be glad to use, have, for lack of this one essential, immediately on receipt to be consigned to the waste-basket.