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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

A Correction: About Quotations

The manuscript copy of the "Report from the Field" from Boston, presented at the New York Meeting, closed with a quotation—Luke vii. 22,—from the Common version.

Why do you recommend the Rotherham translation of the...

Why do you recommend the Rotherham translation of the Scripture, since Science and Health is based on the common version. Please answer through Journal.

" The atmosphere of thought" is a common expression. It is an involuntary acknowledgment of Mind, in which thought of error—a material atmosphere—is foremost.

It is difficult to realize the extent to which Science and Health has revolutionized human thought. Its new conceptions of God and man have flooded the world with light.

A " Children's Quarterly ," of the Christian Science Bible Lessons , International Series, is a pressing need of the hour. In many places all that holds parents to the old church relation is the Sabbath school.

Readings in the Old Testament

There are "literal" translations of the Old Testament, but none that can take the place of the common version. They lack its graphic, spiritual power, and only serve, as reference, to help out in obscure passages.

"Let us hear the Conclusion of the Whole Matter"

" Let us hear the Conclusion of the Whole Matter. "— "Money" in Science.


More about "Hiding the Name of Christ. " In the letter of a correspondent the following lines are found: "I have now opened my parlors to good and bad.

The period of inception and completion of nearly all the improved translations of the Scriptures—the Revised and others —was simultaneous with the birth period of Christian Science. Infinite Wisdom brings out the purposes of Good by widely separated agencies whose connections are hidden from mortals.

The morning of May 27, in the beautiful Lyceum Hall, Madison Avenue, at corner of 59th Street, New York, the fifth annual meeting of the Association was convened. From eight hundred to one thousand faces of Scientists, gathered from all parts of the United States and Canada, expressing gladness and expectancy, greeted the President's, call to order.