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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Perhaps nothing is more startling, as indicating change of consciousness, than the result when a Scientist takes up and undertakes to read one of the books over which, perhaps only a few months before, he hung all absorbed. The interests of the ordinary novel centre about personalities; the thought of Science works the destruction of the sense of personality, and interest in its conditions and adventures necessarily goes with it.

When the Massachusetts Metaphysical College Association was re-organized the teacher recommended its continuance as a voluntary assembly of Christians. The meetings have accordingly been held, as before, the first Wednesday of each month.

To the question, " Can the understanding of Christian Science be gained without a teacher?" the answer must unhesitatingly be "yes. " "Spirit imparts the understanding which leads into all Truth.

A brother recently enclosed to the Journal a "proof" of a "paster" intended to hide the words "Christian Science Tract," that stand at the head of one class of the Society's publications. He argued that there are many persons to whom the words "Christian Science" are an offence, who still might be reached by the Truth thus disguised.


National Association Topics in Sight. At the Cleveland meeting, the note of the church organization was sounded, as a call for separation of the new thought from the old.

From a letter forwarded by a student in the West, we quote the following: "Science has never had a brighter prospect in our city than it has now. 'There is a general interest being felt, and our numbers are increasing from week to week.

The Editorial Department is in receipt of the following criticism which speaks for itself—possibly for others equally in the dark as to the imperative need of advice officially given, under "Questions and Answers," in March issue of the Journal:— A word in regard to the answer p. 603 March Journal "Consider the normal class student a voice of error" I have yet to learn that any can lapse into error by confining themselves exclusively to Mrs.

The pamphlet "Personality the Antichrist" is an untimely birth. It ignores the real problem—destruction of personality through individual progression out of it—and echoes the thought, so current more than a year ago, that "demonstration over personality" means denial of a supposed claim to eminence or authority of some one personality.

The Old Testament mostly expresses the longings of humanity for its "Princely Leader" [Rotherham's version. ] out of the prison house of sense, and mirrors the glories of His kingdom.

Extract from a Sermon by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon

Extract from a Sermon by Rev. C.