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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Students' Writings on Christian Science

Elsewhere in the Journal is printed a communication to our Teacher concerning the publication by students of works on Christian Science. A clear idea on this subject is essential, and the point of departure is the words of the Teacher of Christian Science.

The importance of the publications made in the Journal the last and the present month, is apparent to all readers. The popular idea of the Christian Scientist is of one who in the religious world is a sort of homeless nondescript.

"The Usual Hour for Such Services."

Inquiry is made by several correspondents as to whether the recommendation of the National Association to hold the Scientist Sunday services "at the usual hour for such services," refers to the universal hour of service, i. e.

The Journal as a Bureau of Information

Inquiries begin to reach the Journal for persons competent to teach and practice the true Science of Mind-healing. Some isolated reader of Science and Health, or one who has received the ministration of healing from a person not qualified as a teacher, or a healer who does not feel competent to meet any special wants, sends to the Journal for a healer of larger understanding, or for a teacher of a class, or a lecturer for a place or neighborhood.

The Call to Brooklyn of Bro. F. E. Mason

The Brooklyn Association has grown to be one of the largest in the country. In another column will be found the account of its action taken immediately after the National Association in the organization of the "First Church of Christ (Scientist)" in that city.

Church Organization and Sunday Services

Several inquiries have come to the Journal concerning steps to be taken in the organization of Churches. These communications are held waiting the completion of the Committee,— only partially made up at the meeting of the National Association— for reference to them.

Christian Science Sermons

Christian Science Sermons . The Christian Science Publishing Society is preparing to issue a series of sermons on topics of Christian Science for the use of Sunday meetings.

Among the many pleasing and profitable features and incidents of the late meeting of the Association, there is only one criticism or regret that has reached us. This relates to the failure to hear the many reports of local progress and movements in Science, that had been prepared.

Separation of Truth and Error

The most insidious form of evil—the highest attenuation of error concocted by mortal mind to oppose Christian Science, is that one taught in Chicago and recently illustrated in New York. The teaching and the scandal are related as cause and effect.

A Christian Science Hymn Book

There is no want in the conduct of Christian Science public and social services more keenly felt than that of a suitable hymn book. At the late meeting of the National Association, the preparation of a hymnal was mentioned as one of the first duties of the Committee on Publication, and of the C.