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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


The country has been flooded for two or three years past with cheap issues of what is called "Christian Science Literature. " The greater part of this is of little value, and much of it is misleading or pernicious.


The Journal will in its future issues be edited in its several departments by different individuals. There are several reasons for this.

"C. S. B." and "C. S. D."

Many inquiries are made as to the precise signification of these letters that follow the names of many Scientists. They indicate, respectively, the degrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Christian Science, conferred by the Faculty of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College.

To the Readers of the Journal

With the October issue the Christian Science Journal passed definitively under the control of the Publication Committee of the National Association. It is now, to the last outward detail, a part of the life, not only of every member of the Association, but of every individual Scientist who looks to the Association as the representative body of the numerous Christian Science believers.

Personality Under the Mask of Impersonality

A sense of sinfulness merely awakened is a sense of others' sin. The beginning of regeneration brings out "God be merciful to ME a sinner.

Shall We Organize

Some correspondents ask questions about organization that should draw out many answers. These questions go to the quick of the matter, and they represent a widely diffused thought that needs to be met.

"What Christian Science Teaches about Marriage"

Is the title of No. 7 of the Series.

Questions and Discussions

Students and workers, especially those isolated from other Scientists, are constantly meeting points in the practice or the letter of Science, on which they desire enlightenment or counsel. It is fair to assume that for one that writes to the Journal for a solution, there are scores or hundreds who have met the same difficulty, and whom the answer will interest equally.

The Series for July

The Christian Science Series , for July, embraces a number from our Teacher, entitled "What Christian Science Is and Is Not. " This number is admirably calculated for popular circulation.

All New Subscriptions to the Journal should embrace the July number, containing the Minutes of the National Association and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Dispensary. That and the August number, with the Minutes, Dispensary, and Church Organization documents marked, should be sent to every clergyman and every newspaper in the country.