Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
The pamphlet "Personality the Antichrist" is an untimely birth. It ignores the real problem—destruction of personality through individual progression out of it—and echoes the thought, so current more than a year ago, that "demonstration over personality" means denial of a supposed claim to eminence or authority of some one personality.
The Old Testament mostly expresses the longings of humanity for its "Princely Leader" [Rotherham's version. ] out of the prison house of sense, and mirrors the glories of His kingdom.
Extract from a Sermon by Rev. C.
As the tribes of old yearly went up to Jerusalem, we Scientists hope annually to meet and mingle. Last year's gathering at Cleveland marked an important epoch in our career.
" I am often asked what I think about the mental method, mind-cure, Christian Science, or whatever may be the most appropriate term; and I have been warned repeatedly against it by excellent and trusted friends. However, I cannot see in it the danger that many do.
The dissolution of the visible organization of the Church is the sequence and complement of that of the College Corporation and Association. The College disappeared, "that the spirit of Christ might have freer course among its students and all who come into the understanding of Divine Science"; the bonds of organization of the Church were thrown away, so that its members might assemble themselves together and "provoke one another to good works" in the bond only of Love.
The Church Building Fund . —The paragraph entitled "Good News," in the January Journal, will not have escaped the notice of any reader.
A good new year's gift will be a check to the Christian Science Publishing Society to pay for sending copies of the Journal, to those who, from various painful circumstances in belief, are unable to make or to keep up subscriptions. In remote, and even in rich, populous districts, are those to whom the Journal is daily bread of Life, from whom come letters of deep regret, and loving appreciation, saying that they are obliged to give up the visitor that is to them the only visible sign of the universal brotherhood in Science.
A correspondent writes : An error, peculiar to some advanced Scientists, is to volunteer promiscuously, statements concerning difficulties that they have experienced and that are past and gone. If these statements were in the line of demonstrations they would be helpful.
" Footsteps of progress and spiritualization greet us on every hand. ".