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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


In the unfolding of thought, gained by striving to reach a higher glimpse of Life, that can only be obtained through demonstration, we are lifted into a greater sense of individual freedom, which is indeed our inheritance. In order to solve this problem of life, we first take the responsibility of a position for Truth and learn through experience, ofttimes through patient waiting, that the work is already done , and we have just grown to this understanding, and have gained what? Dominion over our enemy—some sense of selfishness; and this jot less of selfishness is an unfolding of one jot more of Love.

College Association

The usual monthly gathering was a very enthusiastic one. A number of the members from abroad were present.

I wonder what has become of the mothers and Sabbath School teachers. There is such a dearth of matter for the Home department.

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel. "— MARK 16: 15.

The present number is the ninth anniversary of our Journal. In the early spring of '83 appeared the first issue, a small, eight-page, family paper, in answer to a call for a Christian Science periodical.

What is meant in Luke 3:38, when it calls Jesus "the son of...

What is meant in Luke 3:38, when it calls Jesus "the son of Adam, which was the son of God. " I don't understand the meaning.

Doubtless readers of the Journal will rejoice to learn of the unprecedented sale of the New Book. In less than one month, there have been sold three thousand copies of the regular, Cloth Binding, together with two-hundred-and-fifty of the (gilt-edged) Flexible Binding.

The New Book

The revised or fiftieth edition of our text-book, Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures, is greeted with joy, gratitude and love by every Christian Scientist. A higher, purer consciousness of Truth, of Life, comes with its reading, which points unmistakably to the fact that the work of to-day is to give this book to the world as its healer and teacher; therefore, let us bear in mind the command of Jesus: "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

College Association

At the February meeting, held at 62 Boylston St. , Boston, the central thought was the present necessity and demand for the Church Building; and the earnest expressions of those present were certainly heart-felt.


Homes for Christian Scientists In many localities a need is forcing itself upon the consciousness of Scientists; the need of a home-building, wherein not only Sunday services may be held, but where every day in the year children, women, and men may come together to read and talk of this wonderful revelation brought to human thought; where claims of sickness and sin may be made to disappear before the healing power of Divine Truth and Love. To accomplish the building of these homes, there must be three points held in view.