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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Delegates and Intending Visitors to the National Convention of Scientists are informed that tickets for going to, and returning from, Cleveland, O. , can be purchased at reduced rates.

The Plan of the Christian Science Series has drawn out the warmest expressions of satisfaction from practising Scientists all over the country. The want has long been felt of clear and concise statements of the letter of Science, that could be slipped into the hands of inquirers or sent to individuals in their respective communities, believed to be receptive of the Truth.

Notice of a New Departure was read by the Pastor of the Boston Church of Christ (Scientist) at the opening of the Easter services. The regular Friday evening meetings of the church are changed into Public Meetings at Steinert Hall, and will consist of an address, relation of experiences, and discussions on inquiries from the audience.

Christian Scientists may well take courage in looking over the pages of the May Journal. No such sign of the increasing power in manifestation of Science has before been seen.

The Letter from Bro. Farlow, printed below, brings up the...

The letter from Bro. Farlow, printed below, brings up the burning question of the hour.

The Editor of the Journal sat through the late primary class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and, listening to the facts related by members of the class, realized what the Journal could be made if each practicing Christian Scientist would give only a small fraction of his experiences for its columns. Will not every one who reads these lines make up his mind to write an account of one demonstration for each number of the Journal? Give to the Journal, as a matter of duty, your observations of the operation of Truth in Christian Science Mind Healing.

March Meeting of the Association

March Meeting of the Association . The attendance was still larger than in February, and the roll of membership was increased by the addition of forty-three names.

Ottawa, Kansas, Feb. 11, 1889

Ottawa, Kansas, Feb. 11, 1889.

Christian Science and the Medical Profession Before the Massachusetts Legislature . —A circular signed by a considerable number of M.

The Sermon, "The Personal and Impersonal Saviour," that occupied the leading place in the February Journal, is the author's worthy Christmas gift to the world. To those who have sat in her class-room it has a special value, because it partially embodies in words, what have been, till now, only ineffaceable impressions of her teaching of the Saviour of Science.