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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

A Significant vote

A Significant vote. —At the meeting of the Brooklyn Association, Sunday, Feb.

To Contributors...

TO Contributors. —Sometimes writers for the Journal send —with the best intentions— what has been useful to and what is most prominent in their thought at the moment, but is, in reality, mere reminiscence of readings in Science And Health, and generally on what may be called the "deep questions" of Science.

Rev. Mary B.

At a meeting of the Church of Christ (Scientist), of New York City, January 22d, the following resolutions were unanimously passed. Whereas, Our esteemed brother in Truth, Mr.

Brother F. D.

Said a visitor the other day, "I have a friend in the town of H. who is much out of health.

A letter over the signature of Ursula N. Gestefeld reaches us; a part of it is as follows: Chicago, June 9, 1888.

A Convention of the "Christian Alliance" was held at Berkley Temple, Boston, from January 15th to 17th inclusive. Rev.


All true and loyal Christian Scientists should insert their cards in our Journal, so that the public may know who they are. It was said of the disciples, "that they [the public] took note of them, that they had been with Jesus.


My Dear Madam : Ever since I became a Scientist I have had a desire to let you know that your book has converted a Roman Catholic from the error of his ways. I am a young man, thirty-five years old; and from the age of fifteen, until last winter, I was a firm believer in spinal trouble, neuralgia, and indigestion.