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Inspirational verse submitted by readers.

An early Christian in Antioch

My comings and goings have ended, and I can now abide. It has been a hard journey under harsh suns and through many winters.

The valiant ones

Windblown weather-beaten timberline trees steadfast in the face of gales. The stronger the winds, the firmer the roots— like those dauntless we have known who have shown unyielding faith in God's sure governance.

My desert rejoices

God-inspired thought Floods consciousness Like mountain rivulets, Once solitary cascades, now hands-joined, Amassed on beckoning plain. It fills all the hungry crevices, Pours its burgeoning plenty into sun-starved caves, Sweeps away wrinkled dust-hummocks, Livens weary ravines frowning in the shade, Plumbs desperate buried solitudes.

The yes of Christ

Does it always seem like "NO"? No time No money No, you're not well enough Not old enough No, you're just too old A steady, down-pulling, heart-wearying negative drone? Just listen, we'll listen together, we can hear—instead of "NO"—"yes. " It's there deep inside quietly waiting waiting to be released, attended to, expected, welcomed.

One angel

One angel, Love's whisper— A message most gentle— Outnumbers mass error. One angel is ample.

Seeing the all

Let go of memories mired in pain: perplexities that neither time nor reason can explain, the guilt of long ago still piercing present days, or leaded grief that hovers in the mortal haze. For Love dissolves and cleans the slate of misled years; it lifts the timid heart and dries frustrated tears.

Consider . . .

the lilies. Which lilies? All far-flung flowers, as many as stars— garden lilies with chaliced heads, hillside lilies with stems like threads, all colors, kinds, sizes.

Insight by insight

Woven are we with strands of light. Day by day, insight by insight.

How I learned to love all that reading!

Words .

Read, study, ponder

Read the Word to learn of God. Study the Word to believe in God.