Inspirational verse submitted by readers.
Did you say you're getting old and not needed anywhere? Who told you that? God didn't. Did you say you're forgotten by those who used to care? Who told you that? God didn't.
A friend once said that only in a dream could such impossible things seem to happen .
"No anxious thought," I heard her say, "no isms or ologies, either, today. " (Just clean the slate.
Dear Father: As I move to play this composition that I would this day perform, I humbly pause to pray that all false sense of self retire where, in the sacrificial fires, it is destroyed—and Love alone inspire! Then, as I strive to honor You, let this a true reflection be of Soul-inspired harmony; whence heaven's tones and cadence true speak Spirit's purpose through and through, and lead my listeners up to You! LEONARD W. BLOCK.
Let me be not glib with the pat answer but deep, quiet, always reflecting. Pat answers are for people who pat themselves on the back thanking God that they are "not as other men.
Each moment filled With angels of God's presence, Skilled in gentleness and love. Safety and peace companion now, As angel thoughts bring quietness With sweet assurance Of a morning full of light.
Retired? Not you! When did God say He would only need you for sixty-five years (more or less)? Your work's not finished— it's only begun! Advancing moments bring clearer vision, increasing strength— So stride joyfully into new fields of labor, Letting superimposed time-fetters vanish in radiant discovery of your multifaceted splendor, your infinite essentiality as God's loved child. MARGARET R.
Forgive! The challenge Jesus gave to Peter also comes to me. What right have I to violate that sacred Christ decree? To fail forgiveness is to judge.
"The vesture of Life is Truth. " Science and Health by Mrs.
"Alas, you've reached your sixtieth year," Said mortal mind. I shed a tear.