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Inspirational verse submitted by readers.


Remember how they brought her to the temple Where he taught, and how they presented her Asking if she should be stoned? Remember how he, Quickly, silently, wrote something in the dust ("Accuser," "accused," perhaps—rebuking lack Of moral courage, self-righteousness, a score Of other sins)? Which of us today Commits adultery? Dilutes the pure Christ sense Of perfect man (ourselves or others)? Will we Stone ourselves? Or others? Or will we write All sins upon the ground, and then stand free— Stay free—rising in sinless sonship, chastened And always loved, thanking God for His Forgiveness of accuser and accused? PAUL S. SEDAN.


This hour every hour His covenant demands our steady jettison of Adam/Eve refrain— in return Love's lineage, in response Love's name. CAROL J.

Prayer for a branch church

That it may be a candle flame to light this time and place, it dare not yearn to blaze the sky, but glow with thankful grace. That it may be a trusty bridge to join the old to new by city's roar, or hamlet shore, dear God, please hold its timbers true.

To stand

If God were vengeful, I had been Long since struck down. Yet here I stand, to watch The mists of sinful sense disperse Before the splendor of His Word, His face.

The healing

The prodigal in me seeks The Father's loving care, But the elder son in me rebels And says it is not fair. Then Truth opens wide my eyes.

Thoughts that soar

The kite flies high In the winter sky— Bright aeronaut, Straining to reach Heavenly heights. Tethered to earth, Soon to descend, Release would mean An early fall Or futile drift.


Father let me come to church prepared to serve — to see perfection in Thy creation and wisdom in Thy Word; not preoccupied with personalities or burdened mortal sense. As five wise virgins in parable of old let my Christ light be burning bright with quickened understanding as I come to honor Thee.

After class instruction

No indecisive drifting now No aimless luffing, stalled momentum: Principle has set my course. Purpose pulls the mainsheet taut holds eye on guiding star hand firmly on faith's tiller.

Never alone

Since God is All And fills all space, I cannot be in A lonely place Nor feel bereft When all have left. God is with me, And I shall be In Him—with Him— Eternally.

In humility

He was assigned a special task, he thought, to persecute those who taught the newfound Word. A road's twisting ways asked of him what was his right— where was his power? (The voice that echoed back from that first day when witnesses asked him to hold their bloody coats and Stephen prayed.