Questions & Answers
Father, Open my eyes That I may see All Thy children reflecting Thee— See all through the lens Of Life and Love, Identified by Spirit's dove as Beloved, baptized in light and peace, Christlike, In whom You are "well pleased. " See Matt.
Once stormy seas of mortal life appeared so real to me. I tossed within its turbulence, while struggling to be free.
The power and presence of the Christ light— perfect my thinking penetrate my being permeate my doing prosper my life purpose of praising God.
Teach me absolute transparency, dear God, That they may see, through me, Hint of Your infinite ways of loving: The strong compelling love of Your fatherhood When tasks seem so drear and long; The comforting love of Your motherhood Seen in Jesus' compassion for all human needs. Show them the healing balm of Love's sweet peace At day's end with victories won.
At times imperceptible, The seasonal progression From winter somnolence To the indisputable evidence Of spring awakening, And on to summer fullness. Realized Quite suddenly perhaps, As sun-drenched mayflower, Encompassing the pastures, Unexpectecily Releases an avalanche Of transparent petals That cascade a blossom drift Over the landscape Along the pathway of one's journeying.
Perhaps today you feel adrift, split up, without a friend who understands or companion heart to hear you. Yet, there is One, your Father-Mother and best friend— who all-knowingly holds you up, and comforts you with love's overrunning cup.
Believe that all good can and will bear fruit from the knowing of good's reality. And it can be proved so.
The Master's words set hearts on fire and blessed with their rebuke. Out of a life ablaze with Christ their startling message shook.
The spiritual idea of Church Extends beyond walls, doctrine, and creed, With its message simple, pure, and sweet, Reassuring, restoring, and healing. Seeking the meaning of Church, I was welcomed at a Christian Science service.
If thoughtless lack of wisdom on our part Ever brought worry to a human heart, Remember this.