Questions & Answers
There is a fountain overflowing, All are called to wash therein; None escape the cleansing That purifies from sin. Oh come, wash and play In the waters that reveal The goodness and the real That sin would overlay.
Trials make us stronger and teach us "with God all things are possible," Matt. 19:26.
If it feels difficult to pray (awareness of God seems far away) and rehearsals of "truth-words" don't convey much of anything, try integrity's quiet question: "What do I really desire?" Then, hush! Brush off whining ".
Beginning right now, if you could choose To identify yourself from the point of view Of Genesis chapter one, or two, Which would you rather have as you? Man as formed from the dust of the ground Is the creation described in Genesis two— Imperfect, impure, no dominion found, With woman formed from a lesser view. Darkness, materialism, sin, and blight Are all set forth in chapter two; While chapter one, which speaks of light, Is uplifting, spiritual, and the only true.
Intransigence erodes in the pathway of the Holy Ghost. The strength of newly discovered hopes is like the sweep of deft oars, is like the flight of fresh prayers.
A world has need of laborers in the harvest, freely receiving, freely giving, being there about the Father's business, staying in the land we call "home": home —"the land of Christian Science," Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, pp. 226-227 where God's law is practiced, His harmony inherited.
Dear God, each day I lift my thought and my heart to You; Each day You help me to know what is and isn't true. My desire, once devoted only to selfish ease and worldly fare, Now solely is to understand better that man is Your spiritual, perfect heir.
The secret of her influence on my life, This woman I admire? I think it was Christ's impact on her health And life, her heart set afire To reach people all over the world with God's divine method of healing. This remarkable woman, Mary Baker Eddy The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
Every day is the day To let the dear Christ in. He said "I am the way, The truth, and the life" John 14:6 that heals all sin.
not a period of time but a state of drawing closer to God by stilling mortal sense and acknowledging His omnipresence.