Questions & Answers
the joy, the sense of belonging, of naturalness, of family, peace, purpose, place, that's how we feel each time we discover something of the fact that man lives in Spirit, that he is Spirit's image and likeness— loved, loving, lovable, safe, spiritual, whole, eternal. prodigal wanderings— of a moment, a day, a week, a tendency to make the "matters" of Spirit of less importance— fade to nothing, and a sense of the continuity and reality of spiritual being dawns.
Healed is all remorse about the past; It has no bearing on you or me. The inspired heart Is love-filled and trusting; No fear nor anxious moment Can invade its harmony.
Having to decide, you realize that Mind is doing your knowing. You're not misled by what may look like chance—the dolphin's arc, the dove's delayed return.
Above the cedar, pine, and fir, Love's soft breeze Brings a gentle stir.
He who on the shore stands, listening to the breaking waves— hears.
My Shepherd is coming to find me He's left the ninety and nine, and is coming to me Lost I've been wandering long in this hard and barren land of hopeless anger and distrust Distracted by wolves in sheep's clothing Chased by biting fears White wool darkened by doubts But my Shepherd is coming to find me He'll gently lift me on high will step over the stones of my stubbornness will take me tenderly home He won't exclaim over my wilderness wanderings Finding me, He'll rejoice Beside still waters I'll be washed clean newborn with white wool of child's trust and innocence My Shepherd is coming to bring me home! And together we will rejoice— the ninety and nine me and our Shepherd.
Man is God's image. This absolute fact is the only truth of why I act and think and am—in divine Mind; there is no other cause to find for my life.
Where Jesus walked, hearts caught fire, were annealed—strengthened and tempered— transformed. Darkness to light.
Newness and sincerity are one. For whoever, in honesty, doth draw upon Thee, his source, And, scorning loss or gain, hews to the lines Revealed to him, content in yielding Accumulated theories of years of soul-dim thinking For this moment's spiritual truth, Will cut through cloying creed, mistaken views or vows, And, rising clean and clear, will find new vistas— Vast uncluttered beauty, and immensity of heart and mind and soul; For, Truth-impelled, thought soars like an eagle, Free and strong and wider, higher still; And honest love stands fearless and enduring, True to its own, yet ever reaching out Until no bounds can bind its great heart's giving; And every living thing will feel its pulse Of tenderness and pure divine devotion! Yes, sincerity and newness must be one.
Not for the applause or the contentment of physical well-being, but to Thy glory, God, do I practice spiritual healing.