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Child of the day

From the September 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I am still
and listening,
I hear the immortal message breathed through the ages,
as the call of my own name ...

"Child of the day ...
the brightness of His being."

In this blessed oneness of God and man,
I hear more profoundly
that which I have always heard,
and see more deeply
through the lens of humility
to behold my birthright
with no mortal imprint of earth—
no ash heaps of hurts,
no dark ancestral haunts.

I know I am not here as a question,
but as an answer—
as Christlike demonstrator of Truth;
not as a passive observer,
but as an active witness to God's resplendent power,
for His love broods over me
and permeates me
in sweet fragrance of healing.

My diligent heart yearns for the full blessing
of this supreme moment,
this transcendent hour
of Spirit's presence and proof,
so that I, God's child,
may be revealed in constant clarity
shining through the mists
in the dimension of divine light.

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