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Serving in a Reading Room—and not being fooled

From the September 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During my first day serving in a Christian Science Reading Room I went about my duties. When I almost watered some artificial flowers, I laughed and thought how fooled we can be if we're not alert. About this time a man walked in. He said he was homeless and hungry and wanted to know if I knew who or where he might get help. I called the librarian to get information about available community services, which she gave me, and I shared this with him. Then, because of his restless behavior, I was almost fooled again—into believing restlessness, homelessness, and hunger are real conditions for God's man. But I turned to God for guidance.

I offered the man Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, to read. When he said, "No thanks," I prayed the Lord's Prayer out loud. He joined in. After the prayer, his expression changed and the restlessness in his behavior disappeared. We talked for a short time about being directed by God, and how He only wants the best for us.

After this man left, in walked another man. We greeted each other. He told me he was heartbroken because his mother had died. I told him of his real Parent, God, whom he could never lose. (What I shared with him helped me to overcome grief from the passing of my mother and father.) He liked these thoughts. He left expressing the wish to come again. What a joy-filled day this turned out to be—because I was spiritually alert and wasn't fooled about who is governing all.

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