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Sunday School students respond to encouragement

From the September 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was given the Sunday School class that covers the post-high-school students. Presently, this involves three freshman college women. I began writing to them each week to help bring out ideas from the Bible Lesson and encourage research of specific passages for expanded meaning and application in their lives. At first I didn't have any response from them, didn't know if they were even reading their mail. However, I persisted in praying and listening for ways the Bible Lesson could meet their needs and knowing they would find the messages in the Lesson. They began to write me with questions and ideas for future exploration.

I prayed to see this class in broader terms than "the college class." One Sunday we had a visitor who would be attending the local art institute. Another Sunday a young man attended who had dropped out of a vocational program and was looking for direction. He said he felt that in Sunday School someone could understand his challenges, and he said he would be back.

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