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Are you getting everything out of the classroom of human experience?

From the September 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I can remember, in the early stages of learning algebra, entering the classroom and being overwhelmed by a problem the teacher had written on the blackboard. It was gigantic, having many facets and taking up most of the board. But the teacher had a purpose behind this display. He wanted the students to realize that the appearance of a problem shouldn't frighten them or keep them from solving it. If they applied the mathematical rules already learned, it was assured they would determine the right answer. Thus, the class set out to unravel the problem. What at first seemed impossibly complicated was no longer so, once the rules were applied.

An experience such as this is worth remembering in facing life's challenges. It reminds us that we can overcome limitations by applying the rules, or laws, that give us the answers we need.

Basically, it is a false sense of God's creation that underlies the discords and limitations of human experience. But these can be overcome through applying the rule of perfection, through understanding divine law and the spiritual reality of being.

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