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Adhering with certainty to God's law

From the September 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many of us have passed through a metal detector in an airport or elsewhere. Metal objects found on us are often scrutinized, and officials sometimes confiscate certain items. The rule is that objects such as weapons not be allowed to pass through, and the rule is strictly enforced whenever such an item is detected.

God has rules, too—irreversible laws. They are absolute, therefore impossible to evade or violate. They're based on the eternal truth that divine Mind's creation is spiritual, pure, and unsullied; that the creator's goodness and allness preclude the existence of wickedness, sickness, or any evil. This is unconditional divine law, in which we can always rejoice.

Man's real nature is the likeness of God. And each of us can, through spiritual sense, know our true being as Mind's spiritual idea, man, and gain a right sense of things. Misconceptions do, however, aggressively assert to human thought that evil is real and has power to oppose God, good. Yet because God is the only Mind, these misconceptions must be comprised in a counterfeit mentality, parading as true consciousness, and we must be careful not to believe them. Therefore each of us has the responsibility to guard his or her thinking.

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