Lord, I long to be more like Moses,
Whose obedience was not displaced.
Teach me how to live Your law,
And know You face to face.
Lord, I desire to be more like David,
Who, fearless, did obey.
By putting on God's armor,
Giant fears I too shall slay.
Lord, how I yearn to be like Daniel,
Whom envy could not hurt.
When in the "lions' den," like him
God's peace will I assert.
Lord, help me to be more like Peter,
Whose faith became like rock.
Give me the needed courage
To likewise feed Your flock.
Lord, above all, help me to be like Jesus,
Who with the Christ is one;
Help me overcome the world,
Following Your loved Son.
Knowing man is in truth Your image,
I can daily cast out fear
And, healing and teaching, show that
The love of God is ever here.