Questions & Answers
We know, God, You are everlasting— Your love, Your power, Your name; People bad or good, You love them all the same. We thank You for everything— Your love, Your kindness, Your heart, But most of all for being The everlasting God You are.
On the mount of revelation God gently speaks to receptive thought, to the responsive heart opening wide with love as the petals of a flower at morning to receive the light— the Word of God—revelation that maketh error naught. Today this heavenly light shines in uplifted thought as brightly as it did in days of yore when Aaron, waiting with the children of Israel at Mount Sinai, saw it shining as the sun in Moses’ transfigured face.
It's time to sing! At breath of dawn the birds awake to herald morn. Awake, my heart, and grateful be that God is All-in-all to thee.
I yield me to Thy presence, Lord, I yield me to Thy power. I yield me to Thy sweet embrace, The grace of Thy pure fire.
Before I understood Your great and lasting love for me and all mankind, the cords and laces of my heart were tied in one hard knot of worry and despair. It's true that I suspected, somehow, somehow , You cared.
Oh! still dawn, gently stealing over the hills Far away in the distance; A new day, chasing the darkness of the night; An occasional cry of a lone sea bird Breaks the quiet stillness of the early morn. The voice asks, "Lovest thou me?" See John 21:12-17 Oh! what a great voice that questions me so.
A guiding light through the darkness of despair; A beacon of hope to the weary traveler; Prover that Christ saves from the seeming power of mortal mind; A steadfast assurer of the goodness of God, the one Mind divine; Faithful expresser of spiritual joy— of the gratitude of truly knowing Immanuel. Unselfed Christian healer.
I have worked unstintingly. I have worked harder than my brother.
As the light of dawn dispels Deepest darkness of the night, So Truth's growing brightness annuls Error's gloom and blight. Love's illumination never leaves us Burdened with earthly wear; Spirit always lifts our view Above all strife and care.
May I be "polished after the similitude of a palace," See Ps. 144:9,11,12.