Questions & Answers
Joy, the winged common stock of heralds. Aloft, the vast bell-tone of Presence on snow-powdered hills.
Sparkles rippling through the water; Radiant sunshine dancing on the lake; Bright beams, shimmering like shooting stars In zigzag motion; Rays of sun caught in flight On mirrored surface, Flashing diamonds, evoking pure joy. Man is infinitely more—pure expression of Love, Imaging God, resplendent with His glory, Sparkling with intelligence, As His reflection of Himself.
Go ye into the world and share the gospel of Christ, Truth. Show that Christ still heals the sick, the lame, and makes the blind to see.
When a problem is solved and a healing is gained through the Science of Christ, it is always a learning experience, a new spiritual insight about God, ourselves, life, all things; a firmer grasp on divine Truth, more understanding of God's goodness; a learning that is joyous, that we want to share, that brings us to our feet gratitude-impelled in radiant praise at a Wednesday testimony meeting— and love-impelled to our fellowman as comforters and healers.
Deity's expression, man, exists as God's perfect image in eternal continuity— presently, the truth is I'm His beloved reflection, inherently. Naturally, man is divine Mind's spiritual idea immaculately— purely, therefore, I am perfection's likeness, unchangingly.
Wonderful Father, I pray that You make a home in my heart. Open the way for me to take, and help me to start.
Welcome to this brave new day, to this Love-prepared hour, this God-given moment While here rests the wounded heart, here at hand is the bright, narrow way open to the sanguine hopes unspent. As you lean on divine Love's arm you see all are in the way, safe, and comfort flows from faith in Christ's revealing, healing balm.
Will you go? Will you do it? Be in the world yet separate from it? Be seen washing feet? Your wellspring—Christian Science—is pure and deep; The way, pointed out by Christ — complete. "Enter into thy closet.
I once wondered, Truth is so vast, so infinite: How can I know enough of it to be able to heal? How much of God's Word must I master, I've asked myself, before I'll impart blessed comfort and relief? But then I thought of David, a simple shepherd boy— and of Goliath, arrogant fear that loomed so large! A brook full of stones, I recalled, and five chosen by David, but only one was needed to slay that fear . Then I began to see the sum total of that boundless Truth, figured by the entire collection of stones in the brook.
Sweeter than choice nectar that draws the searching bee; Surer than returning spring with birdsong's harmony; Brighter than sun's blazing orb at its most potent hour; Gentler than distilling dew refreshing leaf and flower; Stronger than prevailing wind that stirs the yielding sea— Is God's ever-present love enfolding you and me.