Testimonies of Healing
I love the promise of Hymn No. 124 : How gentle God’s commands, How kind His precepts are; Come, cast your burdens on the Lord, And trust His constant care.
While driving home from a Wednesday evening testimony meeting at my branch Church of Christ, Scientist, I started to feel pain in my mouth. I remember my first thought was, “Well, I’ll have a testimony to share at next week’s testimony meeting.
In late 1991, a few days before the new year, I was sitting on my couch drinking and smoking marijuana. I was raised in Christian Science, and I always believed its teachings to be true.
This writer shares how she proved God’s law of abundance in her life.
A medically-diagnosed health issue is healed through prayer.
This experience showed the writer that God truly is our Shepherd who lovingly guides us all the way.
As a Reader in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, I needed to choose selections from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and from the King James Version of the Bible, for the Wednesday evening meeting. I became intrigued with the idea of researching words such as garment, vesture, clothed, and raiment, with the purpose of developing the idea of wearing Christly garments as the topic of my readings.
The author affirmed that healing is the natural outcome of spiritualized thought and found Christian Science treatment to be practical and effective.
My gratitude to Christ Jesus as the Way-shower, and to Mary Baker Eddy as the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, is unbounded. The healing work Jesus did, and Mrs.
My favorite hymn is “Mother’s Evening Prayer,” which was first written as a poem by Mary Baker Eddy (see Poems, p. 4 ).