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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Cured of back spasms

I attended a Christian Science Sunday School as a child, but dropped out when a teenager, rebelling against what I felt were the restrictions it imposed on me. I wanted to have the “freedom” to live however I pleased, not realizing how destructive and unsatisfactory this sort of living would become.

Sudden illness healed

Over the Christmas holiday a few years ago, some family members and I went to see a new model home that one of my sons and his wife had just finished building. I had seen the model home on a previous occasion, so I remained downstairs while everyone else explored the top two stories.

A lifetime of meaningful healings

Christian Science is the most blessed gift we have on this earth. It shows us the laws of God—laws of health and harmony—which are applicable to every human condition and knowable by all.

Child healed of acute illness

When our first daughter was almost four years old, she suddenly became ill with flu-like symptoms. Both my wife and I had been raised in Christian Science and had experienced a number of healings over the years.

Injured foot quickly healed

In Matthew, we read, “And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick” ( 14:14 ). Many of us yearn to heal as Jesus did, and are grateful for every large or small healing we experience in our own lives, or in others’.

Demonstrating a living faith

One day I woke up and could barely open my mouth. An inflammation had locked my jaw, the pain was intense, and I could only mumble.

Normal heartbeat restored

Some time ago I began to experience an erratic heartbeat. These episodes seemed to come on suddenly and for no particular reason.

Love’s care proved in a moment of need

In Psalms, it is said that God “maketh me to lie down in green pastures” ( 23:2 ). This is referring to God’s care for our human experience, but I also see in it the reassurance that His spiritual creation is calm, attentive, and peaceful.

Back again after transfer

Years ago, I worked for a major corporation that had to downsize owing to a federally mandated divestiture. This meant many employees were forced to either accept a transfer to a company location out of town or be terminated.

Gratitude for generations of healing

Gratitude for Christian Science impels me to submit this long-overdue testimony of the countless healings my family and I have had over many years. My maternal grandfather was introduced to Christian Science in the early 1900s.