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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Illness healed on vacation

Many years ago, my family and I were far away from home, spending some time in beautiful Victoria, Australia. A few days into this lovely trip I was faced with an internal difficulty.

After a fall, prayer brings freedom

I am so grateful for how prayer in Christian Science has healed me physically many times. Right along with healing, this prayer has also improved and transformed my thinking and my life.

Sports injury healed

Last summer, while playing tennis, I reached to hit a shot and injured my back to the extent that I could not continue playing or even bend down to pick up my tennis bag. The people I was playing with were helpful but concerned.

Healed of acute circulatory shock

This author’s climb not only involves hiking, but has a lot to do with climbing in spiritual understanding.

Ankle injury healed

One Sunday morning about two years ago, as I was on my way to go to church, I stepped off a curb and severely twisted my ankle. For a moment, I was unable to get up off the ground.

Freedom from injuries

At times it appears that we can be victims of unjust, sometimes random events leading to injury. Rather than being overwhelmed by the unsettling suggestion that we are vulnerable to danger, we can turn to the Bible and see that anyone can experience the healing of injury, as well as the prevention of harm, through prayerfully gaining a deeper understanding of the ever-presence of God’s love.

Hair growth restored

Some time ago there were many good things happening in my life, but there were also some changes happening, and I was concerned. And it was a very busy time.

Healing of heart issue

A few years ago, my son and I had driven downtown to watch some fireworks, when suddenly I became ill. My son suggested that we go home, and on the way he asked that I go to the hospital; based on the symptoms I was displaying, he was certain I was having a heart attack.

Pain from a fall healed

One winter day my family and I went for a short hike to an icy waterfall. Everyone wore crampons (metal plates with spikes) on their boots, because the path was snowy and icy.

Chronic hemorrhaging ceases

I would like to give thanks for a recent healing. Over two years ago I began to experience what appeared to be the recurrence of my menstrual cycle.