Testimonies of Healing
One year a friend and I took her convertible to our annual Christian Science association meeting, a day of spiritual enrichment and of fellowship with people who had taken class instruction with our Christian Science teacher. I always look forward to these occasions and leave feeling renewed and uplifted.
The author shares proof of God’s care in her life.
This writer from Cameroon shares his quick healing.
My husband and I moved into a new house several years ago, and on the day before Thanksgiving, I was unpacking. As I stood on a countertop, reaching to a cabinet near the ceiling, a glass fell.
This author learned that conviction is a necessary help in our prayers.
Three years ago, when living and working in Lebanon, I started feeling some pain in my right shoulder. Absorbed by my work and daily activities, I must confess, I did not take time to reject the erroneous belief that matter has intelligence and to pray about the situation.
Over half a century ago, I was a student at a junior college in Illinois about 40 miles outside of Chicago. I played on the school’s baseball team.
I was skiing over a weekend, having a great time with my brother as we swooshed down trails of fresh powdered snow at Lake Tahoe. At one point, though, I fell down in a way that twisted my knee badly.
A while ago, I had a severe itching problem. I would wake up in the middle of the night and start uncontrollably scratching my hands, arms, and feet.
A number of years ago, I resigned from my job as an editor, looking forward to working from home. During one of my last days at work, I suddenly had severe pains in my chest.