Testimonies of Healing
It’s my practice to turn to Christian Science to meet any challenge that comes across my path in life. One healing I’d like to share occurred about 40 years ago after I began attending Sunday and Wednesday church services at a local branch Church of Christ, Scientist, close to my university campus.
A little more than two years ago I experienced difficulty in moving and walking. Because I live alone and am well advanced in years, one of my daughters came to pick me up to spend time with her and her husband until I could again take care of myself.
A few years ago one of my knees became painful; it was impossible to kneel without pain, and going up stairs was difficult. As I prayed, it became clear to me that this pain was not a material condition, as it seemed to be, but actually an imposition on my thought that stemmed from world beliefs claiming that people can experience problems as they age.
When our first child was born, my husband and I faced a big challenge. The doctor came to our room at the maternity hospital and told us that I could be released but the child should remain at the hospital because of a blood incompatibility (with me).
About a year ago, extended family came for an unexpected visit. We spent a couple of days at a relative’s home sitting around talking, but not doing much else.
I’m most grateful for the understanding of God’s healing power revealed through Christian Science. And I’m grateful to have my third testimony published in the Christian Science periodicals.
Every healing experienced in Christian Science is a blessing from God. Sometimes healing may be slow in being realized, though often healing comes quickly.
About six years ago, prior to finding Christian Science, I was at work and suddenly became extremely disoriented, to the point where I was unable to walk. Soon I started experiencing issues with my ears.
This author goes from despair and pain to joy and healing, as the power of God dawns in his thoughts.
This writer experiences victory and healing from stubborn problems.