Testimonies of Healing
When I was a child, my father would come home after drinking all afternoon at a nearby bar. The inharmony and violence that resulted in my home life greatly impacted my self-esteem, and I felt personally guilty for everything that went wrong.
When I was in high school, I became very ill. I lost a great deal of weight, experienced hair loss, and had very little energy.
Recently I awakened in the night with stomach trouble. I lay in bed praying with these thoughts: God is not causing this condition.
My wife called while I was on a business trip and far from home, saying the school nurse thought our young daughter had broken her foot while playing at recess. When our two children began attending this school, we made a point to introduce ourselves to the nurse and let her know about our preferred system of healing—Christian Science.
Almost 18 years ago, I was a busy young wife and mother and worked full time in the advertising industry. I led an active, fast-paced life and enjoyed it.
I first experienced healing in Christian Science several decades ago, and I have been relying on Christian Science ever since. My family and I have witnessed many healings of various issues.
Through prayer and reliance on God, our family shared in a wonderful healing during the 2014 Thanksgiving holiday. My daughter, Ella, and I were taking a bike ride to the store.
It was the beginning of a week-long business trip. I was on a transcontinental flight heading for the East Coast of the United States and reading the weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson when I strongly felt that I needed to pray for our son.
Some time ago I paddled an incredibly beautiful stretch of the Wisconsin River with a friend. The day was gorgeous, the wildlife abundant, and my new boat light and responsive.
After retirement from a long career, it came time to disperse our large collection of household belongings to family members in various locations across the country. That included setting up a small rental house in order to be near our brand-new twin grandchildren.