Testimonies of Healing
A few years ago, I took a course to become certified in teaching English as a second language. Then I looked for the right place to spend the next few months in Latin America, where I could practice my Spanish and be of service.
I love to dance! Dancing is an expression of qualities such as grace, rhythm, discipline, energy, joy, agility, harmony, and coordination. One evening, a few years ago, I had to leave a dance event early because of back pain.
A number of years ago, I began to experience severe pain in one hip and leg whenever I tried to sit or bend in any way. I could stand and walk but could not lie down in any position except on my back.
In 2011, I experienced a healing that strengthened my confidence in the power of God to heal, and gave me a needed push Spiritward. I had started noticing an occasional elevated heart rate, shortness of breath, and a number of other deeply concerning, very painful physical symptoms.
Late one night, I got a call from the children’s hospital, saying that my 20-year-old daughter had been run over by a car, and was in very serious condition.
In my life I have often experienced God sending us His angel messages—pure thoughts—when, humanly speaking, we are at our wit’s end. These inspirations appear in different ways.
The writer gives testimony to the harmonious birth of her son.
I was introduced to Christian Science a year after my husband passed away. My early study of Christian Science helped me overcome many different challenges our young family was facing.
Several years ago, I had an experience that taught me the power of Christian Science treatment, regardless of distance. My husband and I took our children to a remote part of Guatemala for a family retreat at Lake Atitlán.
One summer many years ago I went through one of my greatest challenges—the use of recreational drugs. At college and in home circles, many friends and relatives were into heavy alcohol and drug use.