Testimonies of Healing
One day out of nowhere I began experiencing a great deal of pain in one of my legs. Without any obvious physical cause, it continued.
When I was young, I always had trouble breathing when the fog rolled in where I lived in Santa Monica, California. While the condition wasn’t diagnosed, the symptoms were consistent with asthma attacks.
Gratitude is a powerful healing quality—and it’s a lifesaver. I know, because it saved my life years ago.
For a period of over a year, I experienced unreliable vision and recurring painful irritation in my eyes, which interfered with safe driving and hindered many of my day-to-day activities. Throughout the year, working with a Christian Science practitioner, who gave me prayerful treatment, helped me to be comfortable in several times of need.
Over a period of a year or so, I experienced severe stomach cramps every three or four weeks. I prayed for myself as we are taught in Christian Science and my metaphysical treatments brought some improvement, but the condition kept recurring.
Recently, my wife and I were on a vacation cruise, and she came down with a cold. We shared a very small cabin, which is the case on most cruise ships.
In my twenties, I contracted measles. I immediately contacted a Christian Science practitioner for treatment through prayer, but despite our best efforts, the case deteriorated rapidly and I became mentally and physically incapacitated.
On Mother’s Day, my husband and I were playing golf after church. Just short of the 11th hole, my husband was pitching onto the green and gave his ball a tremendous hit.
In recent years I have hesitated to call myself “retired,” while still contemplating the idea of being free of work responsibilities and ties to the world at large. Little did I know that freedom from those ties still gives us plenty of work—in God’s kingdom on earth.
When I was in the eighth month of pregnancy with my second child, I was diagnosed with a critical, usually fatal, disease. The doctor was very concerned and called in a specialist.