Testimonies of Healing
Over three years ago I began to experience aggressive internal pain every few weeks. Most of the time I would be awakened by this discomfort in the middle of the night.
During a routine visit to the dentist for a teeth cleaning, the hygienist asked me if anything bothered me. I assured her that there was nothing.
In a message to The Mother Church in 1896, Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “One thing I have greatly desired, and again earnestly request, namely, that Christian Scientists, here and elsewhere, pray daily for themselves; not verbally, nor on bended knee, but mentally, meekly, and importunately” ( Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, p. 127 ).
About two years ago, I noticed irregularities in my heartbeat, followed by symptoms of fatigue and weakness. My oldest son, who is not a Christian Scientist, went searching for medical information online.
About three years ago, I was healed of injuries to my hip and shoulder that were caused by a fall on an icy driveway. After the fall, I was unable to move my arm easily or sleep on my right side.
When I read daily accounts in the media of the unrest and oppression in countries such as Syria and Egypt, I think about how I, as an individual, can contribute to peace in the world. In the Bible we read: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (II Corinthians 3:17, New Revised Standard Version).
One morning last August, I woke up with pain in one of my legs and a rash on parts of the foot, ankle, and shin. It is normal for me to wake up each morning, thanking God for His love and care, and I did so that morning, knowing they were with me then and I could be free of this condition.
I am very grateful for Christian Science nurses and practitioners, and for the allness of God’s power, which has been revealed to me so clearly in Christian Science. In early January of this year, I was staying at my daughter’s home in a Boston suburb and had gone outside to walk the family dogs before leaving to drive home.
I would like to share two experiences of healing that have been striking examples to me of the power of Christian Science to heal children. When my younger son was about eight or nine, he came into my bedroom in the middle of the night, crying with a painful earache.
I love to water-ski. It’s a thrill to feel the wind on my face and to see the tree-covered mountains fly past as my ski carves the glassy water under my feet.