Testimonies of Healing
It is with much gratitude that I share a recent healing of my younger son. While visiting my parents in Florida, my five-year-old woke up complaining about a sharp pain in his stomach.
Through the years I’ve had many healings as a result of prayer. Some were quick healings, and others required the spiritual discipline of persistent prayer over a period of time.
I was waking every day, feeling as if I’d slept awkwardly on an arm, and my mornings were becoming increasingly unpleasant. A chronic pain had been developing in my shoulder over the course of several months.
As a commercial real estate manager, I was thrilled one day to hear that my company had the opportunity, at the 11th hour, to submit a proposal to a prospective tenant to move their business’s headquarters into our largest vacant property. However, we knew that if we won the tenant, we would have a very short period in which to complete an extensive construction project on the property.
Growing up, I went to school in a large city in France. In middle school we had two hours of physical education every week.
Christ Jesus’ ministry illustrates forgiveness and unconditional love, and as I prayed one day to understand Christly love, I found an opportunity to express this love myself. I was putting on eyeliner one morning and noticed that one eye was tender.
For a year and a half, I struggled with a chronic issue of blood and other symptoms. Since I wasn’t in any pain, I reasoned that I could live with it, and I almost came to accept this condition as part of my being.
Ever since my teen years, morning had always started with caffeinated coffee. That was the liquid that I depended on to get me going; that was part of my daily wake-up routine.
A recent event has made me better understand the immediate help that Christian Science offers to us at all times. I was installing a curtain rod at home, and as I firmly pushed a part into its narrow groove, my thumb and nail turned completely backward.
In November 2013, I had a healing of a long-held allergy to chrysanthemums, which had started 57 years earlier when my fiancé and I attended a formal banquet one November. At the banquet I was given a beautiful mum corsage, which I wore on my shoulder, and the tables were decorated with lovely, large golden chrysanthemum plants.