Testimonies of Healing
During my late teens and into my 20s, I often suffered from excruciating headaches. At the time I did not know they were called “migraine” headaches, but I could not function normally when they happened.
I had a significant healing while I was serving as a military chaplain. For all personnel serving in the United States armed services, periodic physical examinations are required.
As I pray each day with the consciousness of our protection and complete safety from every ill, Mary Baker Eddy’s phrase “be it ever so severe” feels prominent in my affection for mankind. In its entirety it reads: “Remember, thou canst be brought into no condition, be it ever so severe, where Love has not been before thee and where its tender lesson is not awaiting thee.
When God spoke to this author, he started to think about God, and himself, differently. His life began to change for the better.
A few years ago, within a very short time, my mother passed on in the United States, I packed up and emptied her home to sell it, flew back to Brazil, packed up my own home of 15 years, moved to a new home, started a demanding new job in a city I wasn’t familiar with, and tried to unpack and help my family adjust to our new home and environs. Despite cheerfully performing all the tasks, I often felt overwhelmed, tired, and sad about my mother’s passing.
Early one morning a few years ago I was taking a shower when I suddenly felt myself starting to black out. I quickly called to my husband, who immediately came to my side.
About eight years ago, I was in charge of conducting my college’s Christian Science Organization (CSO) meetings. I lived quite far from campus, and so I needed to leave home early in order to have time to find a taxi and arrive at the meeting before everyone else.
Many people have found that prayer not only brings healing in the sense of comfort and peace in the midst of suffering, but it also brings cure. But what happens if we pray, and it doesn’t seem to be working? A number of years ago, I was facing a very challenging relationship problem.
During my childhood, I attended a Christian Science Sunday School, but I stopped studying Christian Science and going to church after I married. Years later, I returned to studying this Science and visiting my local Christian Science Reading Room, but didn’t attend church services.
One evening, while working by myself, I hurriedly installed a heavy steel chute into the recovery circuit at our sapphire mine in Montana. I knew I should take a moment to gather some wood blocks to support the chute in position while I welded it in place.